Most of us already get to know that at a certain point there will be a stage in our life of where digital devices will be the most popular and important things in human life. But do we aware of the negative impact of using smartphones or any other devices without knowing the proper fact and features about it? (more…)
Smoking And Vision Lost
Smoking is bad, I don't have to tell you that, you know it, your next door neighbor knows it, everyone knows it. But, did you know that in the list of terrible things that can happen to you if you smoke is vision lost? (more…)
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is an eye disease that slowly damages the nerve for vision at the back of the eye which is the optic nerve. This condition is often linked to high pressure inside the eye but can also occur with normal pressure. Early detection and treatment can prevent or delay vision loss caused by Glaucoma. (more…)
Support For The Blind or Vision Impaired
Losing your sight or becoming visually impaired can bring a wave of emotion. One might lose the will to live or give up on life but know that you are supported. (more…)
When you are on your phone or digital device, have you ever gotten a sudden headache. A piercing headache in front of your head or around your eyes just came from nowhere and has interrupted your screen time. Usually we brush it off and continue on with our business but we never truly stop to think, why am I having this headache? (more…)
ARMD Eye Disease
Macular degeneration also been known as the age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD) is an eye pathological condition that affect the macular area causing the cone photoreceptor cells within the macular area to be died off. (more…)
Vision Screening at School
Malaya Optical together with the participation of optometrists from (more…)
Exo-deviation is an outward deviation which can be divided into exophoria and exotropia. Exodeviation are quite common, and they are not necessarily. A small intermittent exotropia is normal in most newborns, as 70 % of normal newborns have a transient exodeviation that resolves by 2 to 4 months of age. Another type of exo deviation that is considered normal is a small exophoria (<10pd). (more…)
Legal or not, you will still require glasses to see clearer if you have a refractive error. And that could manifest more if you tend to do more reading, especially law students, graduates to practitioners. (more…)
Ellcie Healthy Visited Us
It's April 2017, and we have a lot going on at Malaya Optical. In short, this short blog will gently update you with our recent activities here! (more…)