Glaucoma is an eye disease that slowly damages the nerve for vision at the back of the eye which is the optic nerve. This condition is often linked to high pressure inside the eye but can also occur with normal pressure. Early detection and treatment can prevent or delay vision loss caused by Glaucoma. (more…)

Categories About Eye Posted on Author Ryan Ho Tags check mata, eye blurness, eye care screening, eye check, eye check-up, eye diagnosis, eye discomfort, eye disease, eye diseases, eye examination, eye health, eye health screening at malaya optical, eye pain, eye pressure, eye problems, eye screening, eye test, eyecare petaling jaya, glaucoma, glaucoma check, glaucoma screening, optic nerve, optometrist eye shop, optometrist eye test, Optometrist in Petaling Jaya, optometrist in subang, Optometrist Klang Valley, optometrist petaling jaya, Optometrist Subang SS15, vision lost, vision problem, vision screening, vision symptoms, visual field loss