Smoking is bad, I don't have to tell you that, you know it, your next door neighbor knows it, everyone knows it. But, did you know that in the list of terrible things that can happen to you if you smoke is vision lost? (more…)

Categories About Eye Posted on Author Ryan Ho Tags age related macular degeneration, cataract detection, cataract information, cataract prevention, cataract screening, cataract vision, check mata, contact lens, diabetic and eyes, diabetic eye problems, diabetic eyes, Diabetic Retinopathy, eye blurness, eye care screening, eye check-up, eye diagnosis, eye discomfort, eye disease, eye diseases, eye health screening at malaya optical, eye problems, eye screening, eye surgery, eye test, eye tiredness, eyestrain, smoking, smoking and vision lost, vision, vision control, vision lost, vision problem, vision screening, vision symptoms