Dry eyes can be irritating, uncomfortable and at times, borderline painful. But throughout the day, your dry eyes are annoying but not painful and yet, at night, the true colors of having dry eyes emerge. (more…)
Smoking And Vision Lost
Smoking is bad, I don't have to tell you that, you know it, your next door neighbor knows it, everyone knows it. But, did you know that in the list of terrible things that can happen to you if you smoke is vision lost? (more…)
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is an eye disease that slowly damages the nerve for vision at the back of the eye which is the optic nerve. This condition is often linked to high pressure inside the eye but can also occur with normal pressure. Early detection and treatment can prevent or delay vision loss caused by Glaucoma. (more…)
What is Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Age-related Macular Degeneration or AMD is an eye disease that is associated with ageing that affects the central vision. Central vision is needed to see detailed objects clearly and is important for everyday tasks such as reading and driving. (more…)
What is Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic Retinopathy is an eye disease caused by diabetes and it includes both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It affects the small blood vessels of the retina at the back of your eye. An early diagnosis and treatment can prevent up to 98% of severe vision loss (more…)
Family History of Vision Loss
If a member of your family has a problem with there eyes, there is a high possibility that you too will experience the same thing. An eye test can detect a problem before it affects your eyesight. An early detection of an eye problem, can improve the likelihood of treatment. (more…)
Support For The Blind or Vision Impaired
Losing your sight or becoming visually impaired can bring a wave of emotion. One might lose the will to live or give up on life but know that you are supported. (more…)
Who Can Help with Eye Health and Care
When you have eye problems, who do you SEE to get it checked out? Many would say a doctor or an optometrist but do you know that there are more than one profession qualified to help you? (more…)
Eye Check Up
Have you even looked into the distance and notice something off? Like something is just not right or clear? Then it hits you, the reality of whats to come to you in the future, glasses. There is a daunting feeling in your gut, you have never had your eyes checked, what is going to happen? Will there be lasers? What will they do to my eyes to check them? Will it hurt? (more…)
ARMD Eye Disease
Macular degeneration also been known as the age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD) is an eye pathological condition that affect the macular area causing the cone photoreceptor cells within the macular area to be died off. (more…)