While the festive Holidays were around, MALAYA OPTICAL Team decided to also celebrate in our own way. As we announce on our social media pages at Malaya Optical, we were closed from 4 June to 8 June for our annual company trip. Where you may ask? To the beautiful island of Krabi in Thailand. (more…)
Raya Celebrations with MALAYA OPTICAL. As the holidays have come and gone, everyone is going back to work or school. You can feel it in the air, the Monday Blues. Everyone is lazily dragging themselves to school or work and dreading it. But, here at MALAYA OPTICAL, we are always energetic to get back to work and help our customers. (more…)
Malaya Optical 2017 presents our yearly team building trip among our dedicated optometrists and staff! (more…)
Malaya Optical recently hit its 59th birthday. Throughout the years, we have won numerous accolade and mention. One of the few key players that are (more…)