- Hospital Name Malaya Optical
- Date 19-02-12
- Diseases Contact Lens Fitting & Management
- Location Malaya Optical Damansara Uptown
Some people prefer to wear contact lenses because of the functionality it provides. In comparison to spectacles, contact lenses provide typically a better overall
convenience, peripheral vision, and does not condense or fog due to environmental conditions. While wearing your contact lenses you have a freedom of choice from wearing your ski goggles to swimming goggles and even your fav pair of sunglasses. Typically, there are few types of contact lenses available in Malaya Optical and the overall market.
Multifocal lenses are typically designed for constant viewing through the center of the lens, but some designs do incorporate a shift in lens position to view through the reading power (similar to bifocal glasses).
Monovision is the use of single vision lenses (one focal point per lens) to focus an eye (typically the dominant one) for distance vision and the other for near work.
Ortho K Lenses. Having myopia or short-sightedness There are other options besides wearing spectacles or contact lenses during the day. Orthokeratology or often also known as “ortho-k” and sometimes called corneal reshaping (CR), corneal refractive e therapy or even vision shaping.
Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses (RGP). Rigid Lenses are Gas permeable contact lenses they are made of durable plastic that transmits high oxygen. Sometimes, these lenses also are called rigid gas permeable lenses, RGP lenses, GP lenses and oxygen permeable lenses depending on countries.
Astigmatism / Toric Lenses. The terminology “toric contact lenses” usually describes specially designed soft contact lenses that correct astigmatism. There are many toric contacts for astigmatism are soft lenses — a conventional hydrogel material or a highly breathable silicone hydrogel. RGP lenses can also correct for astigmatism too.