Almost everyone out there who went through a general eye screening may heard about dry eyes. Dry eye disease is one of the most frequently encountered ocular problems yet the best solution to prevent it or the effective treatments is still in discussion. In every ophthalmic clinic, there would be at least 25% of cases reported to have dry eye symptoms. And here now, its all about dry eyes for you.
Tears are not only keep the eyes moist but also have an important role in maintaining healthy eye functions. Basically, tears are one of the most essential components requires in your eyes to protect your eye health. It prevents your eyes from getting dry by protecting your eye surface with its components. They also do protect your eyes from infection, provide sufficient nutrition to your eyes and they keep them lubricated and comfortable.
Our eyes are moisten by two different types of tears named:
- Basal the (Lubricating) tears which supports your eyes by producing continuous tears or lubrications to moisturize your eyes and contain natural infection fighting agents.
- Reflex tears were seen in any sudden response or situations such as irritation (smoke, onions, foreign particles), injury or emotion.
When the production and preservation is knows, it is also important to understand how does tears and its components are made of. Lipid, aqueous and mucous layer are the three most distinct composition of tears. Lipid layer or also knows as oil layer was secreted by the Meibomian gland and it usually provide a smooth optical surface for the cornea and retarding evaporation from the eye. They form a thin, smooth film whose thickness, and probably composition, influences the rate of evaporation.
Whereas, aqueous layer were secreted by the Lacrimal Glands which contains water, electrolytes and various proteins. Here is where tears will form into bulks. And also, the conjunctival epithelium is a second source of electrolytes and water in the tears. Next is the mucous layer (mucins), which has been secreted by conjunctival goblet cells. The mucin layer is the deepest layer of the tear film and adheres firmly to the underlying epithelial cells of the cornea and conjunctiva. The mucin layer is mainly composed of high molecular weight glycoproteins called mucins.
If you are still not aware about any of this or if you have never been get your eyes tested for dry eyes, please do book an appointment with us today and get to know more about your eyes and its health.