Essilor Crizal Prevencia is known as a no-glare lens that helps to filter harmful Ultra-Violet (UV) and unwanted blue light into the eyes to prevent long term damage. This lens helps to filter out the unwanted blue light from 415 to 455 nm wavelength. Computer screens, smartphones, tablets and the sun which is actually the largest source of blue-violet light will damage our eyes by causing eye strain or tired eyes leading to tearing and redness of the eyes. Essilor Crizal Prevencia Not all blue lights are harmful to us, blue turquoise from 465 to 495nm are the beneficial blue light which helps individual regulate their sleep cycle, mood and cognitive performance Benefits of Essilor Crizal Prevencia Crizal Prevencia does not cut off the beneficial blue light which is…
ZEISS BlueGuard Lenses
We are so subject to innovation that it's become an indispensable piece of our lives. Without using smart devices, we may not full-filled our days in this current era. But, do we aware what are the consequences of using it everyday in prolonged hours. (more…)
20-20-20 Rule – How to prevent eye strain?
The 20-20-20 Rule Movement Control Order caused by the Pandemic, had us all lock down at home for weeks even months. Besides spending quality times with family due this pandemic, I believe that the digital world stay with us most of the time too. (more…)
Negative impact of using smartphones
Most of us already get to know that at a certain point there will be a stage in our life of where digital devices will be the most popular and important things in human life. But do we aware of the negative impact of using smartphones or any other devices without knowing the proper fact and features about it? (more…)
Essilor Blue UV Capture Lens
Essilor Blue UV Capture lens introducing new lenses with the advance combination of molecular technology into the core of the lens, known as the Essilor Blue UV Capture, it efficiently filter out harmful blue-violet light, allowing only the blue-turquoise light pass through. Computer devices, gadgets and all other VDU devices are the main emission of blue light. Based on studies, blue light entering human eyes help in boosting attention, reaction and mood during the day. However, the blue light can cause damage to the retina. Blue light has the shortest wavelength and contains the highest energy in the visible light spectrum, it can cause eyestrain, headaches, and including macular degeneration after long exposure. Essilor Blue UV Capture lens provides a feature of blocking at least 20% of harmful blue-violet light,…
Is blue light glasses good for eye protection?
Blue light glasses is a good option to filter out harmful blue ray. Blue light is one of the visible light of the light spectrum. Blue light has a short frequency, thus creates a higher measure of vitality. Studies propose that, after some time, introduction to the blue finish of the light range could cause genuine long term harm to your eyes. Blue light has a wavelength of between approximately 380nm and 500nm; making it one of the shortest, highest-energy wavelengths. (more…)
Adakah kanta penapis cahaya biru baik untuk mata?
Kanta penapis cahaya biru adalah pilihan yang baik untuk menyaring sinar biru yang berbahaya. Cahaya biru adalah salah satu cahaya yang dapat dilihat dari spektrum cahaya. Cahaya biru mempunyai frekuensi pendek, sehingga menghasilkan daya hidup yang lebih tinggi. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa, setelah beberapa lama, pengenalan warna biru pada cahaya boleh menyebabkan kerosakan jangka panjang pada mata anda. Cahaya biru mempunyai panjang gelombang antara lebih kurang 380nm dan 500nm; menjadikannya salah satu panjang gelombang tenaga terpendek dan tinggi. (more…)