When you have eye problems, who do you SEE to get it checked out? Many would say a doctor or an optometrist but do you know that there are more than one profession qualified to help you? (more…)
Eye Check Up
Have you even looked into the distance and notice something off? Like something is just not right or clear? Then it hits you, the reality of whats to come to you in the future, glasses. There is a daunting feeling in your gut, you have never had your eyes checked, what is going to happen? Will there be lasers? What will they do to my eyes to check them? Will it hurt? (more…)
无论你是否失明,只要您的眼睛无法对外界的物体清晰地聚焦,你就必须佩戴一副眼镜以增加清晰度。如果你倾向于多看书,尤其是法律系的学生或者从事法律工 作。 (more…)
Ellcie Healthy Visited Us
It's April 2017, and we have a lot going on at Malaya Optical. In short, this short blog will gently update you with our recent activities here! (more…)
Aging and Your Eyes
Learn what is normal for aging eyes, what may be a sign of disease, and how to compensate for changes. Age sometimes brings changes that weaken your eyes, but there are things you can do to maintain lifelong eye health and minimize the impact of age-related vision loss on daily life. (more…)