• 71, SS21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
  • +60 17-3613 715

Category: Contact Lens

Komplikasi kanta lekap

Komplikasi kanta lekap kerap berlaku sekiranya langkah pemakaian dan penjagaan tidak dipatuhi. Kanta lekap memberikan faedah penglihatan. Sekiranya anda pemakai kanta lekap, kanta lekap anda harus merasa selesa dan membolehkan anda melihat dengan baik. Terdapat banyak komplikasi kanta lekap yang mungkin dialami oleh pemakai kanta lekap iaitu komplikasi yang disebabkan secara langsung atau tidak. Mekanisma di mana lensa sentuhan mendorong perubahan adalah: trauma, penurunan oksigenasi kornea, penurunan kelembapan kornea dan konjungtiva, rangsangan tindak balas alergi dan keradangan, dan jangkitan. Gejala Sakit: Sakit pada mata- Semua pesakit kronik yang menggunakan kanta lekap mungkin mengalami pengurangan deria sentuhan dan kurang sensitif kepada bahan asing. Penurunan ketajaman visual: ketidakteraturan permukaan hadapan kornea. Hiperemia konjungtiva Intoleransi kanta lekap Komplikasi Kanta lekap Utama Edema kornea - disebabkan oleh keadaan kornea kekurangan oksigen sama ada ianya kronik atau tidak, bahan…

Dry Eye and Contact Lenses
Ortho k therapy procedure

Ortho-K Disadvantages

Ortho-keratology or Ortho-K is the usage of a specially designed gas permeable contact lens. It is a lens that gently reshapes the cornea or the front surface of the eyeball to reduce or control myopia. Myopia is referred as Shortsightedness or "Rabun jauh". Some people refer to it as Hard Lens or OK lenses. You wear these lens overnight and you can see clearly when you wake up. After you remove them of course. (more…)

Experience Optometrist Ortho K

Ortho K FAQ

[vc_row][vc_column][ts-custom-heading text="Q: Is everyone a candidate for ortho-k?" font_container="tag:h4|text_align:left"][vc_column_text]A: No! While orthokeratology can help most individuals (more…)

Ortho k therapy procedure

Ortho K Therapy Procedure

[vc_row][vc_column][ts-custom-heading text="" font_container="tag:h4|text_align:left"][vc_column_text]Orthokeratology is a process of fitting gas permeable lens wear overnight. The lenses are wear during sleep and it will gently reshape the front surface of the cornea. (more…)

Fear of wearing contact lens?

Fear of wearing contact lens?

Are you fear of wearing contact lens? Just thinking about putting a foreign object into your eyes keeps it tightly closed. Most of people in US wear contact lenses, nonetheless, many other people refuse to wear contacts because of unfounded fears such as the risk of inserting lenses into the eye, or the risk of having eye infection. Although these are natural fears that faced by some people. (more…)

The Importance of Breathable Contact Lens

It is important for us to know that our contact lenses is breathable or less because we always have to keep our eyes moist and comfortable. The importance of breathable contact lens is allow more oxygen to be permeable while wearing the lenses. The breathable lenses is needed to stay healthy and properly function to prevent the others damage. You may try using at least three or four brands of contact lenses, so that you know which one is suitable for your eye. (more…)

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