• 71, SS21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
  • +60 17-3613 715

Category: Uncategorized



需要新的處方鏡片?有一個問題?無法決定?那麼,豪雅就是你的品牌。製造一系列單光處方鏡片高度定制的自由形式漸進鏡片,在馬來西亞也稱為多焦點鏡片。 自發明眼鏡以來,鏡片設計有點像“一刀切”。HOYA 是第一批通過創新設計和持續研發來徹底改變鏡片的公司之一。HOYA 提供優質鏡片,以滿足每個人的個性化需求和生活方式。 想要更好地了解您的眼鏡中有哪些鏡片以及滿足您視力需求的最佳解決方案?HOYA 為您提供選擇並提供解決方案…… 我們提供全系列的Hoya單焦點和多焦點鏡片,以滿足您的生活方式需求。為了向您提供最佳的視力解決方案,本網站的這一部分將讓您了解和了解哪種鏡片最適合您和您的家人的需求。就像指紋一樣,沒有兩隻眼睛是完全相同的。恢復和增強視力的矯正應該同樣獨特,這就是為什麼 HOYA 生產出世界領先的鏡片技術來矯正每隻眼睛的特定矯正要求。 重要的是您的鏡框內的內容,HOYA 致力於為您提供信息,幫助您為您和您家人的眼睛健康需求做出最佳決定。 以下是不同類型的 用於遠視或近視的單光鏡片。 為了幫助您在遠處矯正視力,請向您的驗光師諮詢 HOYA NuLux EP 鏡片。這些鏡片採用尖端技術精心設計 ,比普通鏡片更薄、 更平 、 更輕 ,為您提供更廣闊、更清晰的視野和全天舒適度。 NuLux EP 鏡片設計的先進技術考慮到您的“眼球運動”,減少眼睛疲勞和眼睛疲勞,為您提供全天清晰的視力。 NuLux EP 鏡頭的一些優點:- • 77% 更寬的視野意味著更少的頭部轉動,減少頸部勞損 • 清晰、自然的視覺和全天舒適的佩戴 • 100% 防護 UVA 和 UVB 射線 • 更平坦的鏡片厚度減少了瞳孔的放大率,改善了美觀 • 更薄, 較輕的鏡片設計可在長時間佩戴時減輕眼睛疲勞 • 以超級耐刮擦“SFT 多塗層”為標準,經久耐用 厭倦了整天戴上和摘下眼鏡? 單光鏡片通常不能滿足您的閱讀需求。單光老花鏡只適用於前方 40 厘米的範圍內觀看,再遠的地方就會模糊。 您需要什麼類型的漸進鏡片? HOYAlux Desk 鏡片類似於單光鏡片,但具有延伸焦距長達 2 米的額外好處,因此您不僅可以閱讀,還可以環顧四周。例如,如果您坐在餐桌旁閱讀報紙,則戴著老花鏡您只能看到和閱讀頁面,而餐桌上的食物和坐在餐桌旁的任何人都會顯得模糊不清。使用 Desk 鏡片,頁面以及桌子上的食物和您周圍的人都將清晰可見。桌面鏡片特別適合辦公環境。 HOYAlux Desk 鏡片的優點包括: 提供一整天的舒適感,而無需整天摘下單光眼鏡的重複任務。 有助於防止眼睛疲勞和刺激,以及頭痛。 在所有工作條件下提供全天的舒適和便利。 眩光和反射的陽光會損害或阻礙您在日常活動中的視力。普通的有色鏡片會減少可見光量,但它們對消除眩光幾乎沒有作用。HOYA NuPolar Premium 偏光太陽鏡幾乎可以覆蓋任何處方,適合所有人。 無論您是忙碌的戶外生活還是在後院休閒閱讀,HOYA NuPolar 都是適合您的處方太陽鏡。 HOYA NuPolar 處方太陽鏡的好處: 通過阻擋“眩光”來改善視力 減少瞇眼可提高一整天的舒適度 駕駛時更好的能見度和安全性,從而減少眼睛疲勞 抵禦太陽有害的 UVA 和 UVB 射線 – 100% 提供三種顏色 - 灰色、綠色和棕色 雙面超硬防刮塗層是標準配置 漸進鏡片或多焦點鏡片最適合有閱讀問題的人使用。在 Damansara Uptown 或 Subang SS15 和 KL Imbi  的 Malaya Optical,我們的驗光師有資格開出最適合您的生活方式和需求的各種類型的 Hoya 漸進鏡片設計。 常規或標準的多焦點有點像“一刀切”,可能需要一些時間來適應,因為佩戴者似乎經常在一天中經歷圖像失真和不平衡的感覺。 iD LifeStyle 鏡片全天提供視覺自由和自信、平衡的感覺。具有更寬的視野和優化的視覺精度,讓您全天舒適。iD LifeStyle 鏡頭還提供近景和遠景之間的流暢交互以及全方位的穩定圖像感知。與常規多焦點鏡片不同,iD LifeStyle 鏡片針對每個人的處方進行了優化,提供清晰穩定的視力和快速適應。 對於經常遭受眼睛疲勞和頭痛的人,iD LifeStyle 鏡片旨在減少眼睛旋轉,從而減少眼睛疲勞和頭痛。 對於想要全天舒適的人來說,iD LifeStyle 鏡頭旨在為您提供更廣闊的視野,同時減少頭部移動和全天舒適。 對於想要自然視力而無需適應問題的人來說,iD Lifestyle 鏡片始終可以輕鬆自然地從近視力到中視力再到遠視力。 1.50 指數多焦點 SK HOYA PHGP75 HM NO CYL UV 1.55 指數多焦點 SK HOYA…

Best Vintage Eyewear in KL

Best Vintage Eyewear in KL

The classic and antique eyewear collection has arrived again now! Here, we are expanding our vintage eyewear collection to bring back the ageless and uniqueness feel while wearing it. While glasses are now an integral part of our daily lives and have even become essential fashion accessories, you’d probably expect that not many people wore them 2000 years ago. This is why at Malaya Optical we are exploring and taking a look back to the history of glasses for you, from antiquity to vintage glasses of today and serves you only the best vintage eyewear in KL! This kind of eyewear will remain its timeless fashion look to all the wearers. To manufacture a vintage frame, it took about years to come up with its own style and designs that can fit for many…

Polarized and non polarized

Are polarised sunglasses good?

Are polarised sunglasses good? You probably know the importance of UV protection sunglasses to our eyes. UV rays from sunlight are harmful to our eyes and extended exposure to UV rays can lead to development of ocular diseases such as cataract, ARMD (age related macular degeneration), pterygium and so on.  As we all know sunlight scatters in all directions. However, when sunlight strikes on a flat surface, the light is reflected by the surface. At this time, the reflected light will travel in a uniform direction and most of the time they reflected horizontally. This phenomenon of light is known as polarization. The polarized light creates an annoying and sometimes dangerous intensity of light that results in glare and reduced visibility.  Annoying polarized light and sun glares create unnecessary troubles…

Maui Jim Best Polarized Sunglass


Maui Jim Best Polarized Sunglass First of all, what do Polarized Lenses means? Sunlight scatters in all directions, causing glaring and reduces visibility. Thereby, polarized lenses have a special chemical or filter in which it helps to block unwanted reflection light. The special filter specifically helps to block some of the light passing through the lenses by creating a vertical opening for light. This means that light waves approaching horizontally are totally blocked or bounced away from the lenses, allowing only vertical light to enter the eye. Think of it as a mini blind hanging in front of a window. The only light that passes through the blind’s openings can be seen. This results in improving the wearer’s clarity in which objects will look crisper and clearer. Besides that, polarized…

Best Monthly Lenses for Multifocal

What are the best monthly contact lenses for multifocal? Multifocal contact lenses are made with different lens powers, targeting vision at varying distances from the wearer. This all-in-one lens benefits people with presbyopia by helping to correct age-related vision problems – when their eyes can no longer focus on objects up close. Biofinity Multifocal Biofinity Multifocal monthly contact lenses have the ability to focus your vision at all distances, while providing incredible lens comfort identical to the rest of the Biofinity family of lenses. Biofinity Multifocal lenses are used by presbyopic contact lens wearers to correct their presbyopia. Biofinity Multifocal include an Aquaform Technology which allows more oxygen to reach the eyes, ensuring your eyes stay healthy and white, while assuring the lens won't dry out during wear. Lens Parameters: Manufacturer: Cooper VisionMaterial: comfilcon…

Best Monthly Lenses for Astigmatisms

What are the best monthly contact lenses for astigmatism? Astigmatism is an eye disorder in which the cornea (the clear tissue covering the front of the eye) is abnormally curved, causing out-of-focus vision. Biofinity Toric Biofinity toric lenses are designed for outstanding stability, comfort and visual acuity. They feature Optimized Lens Geometry, uniform horizontal ISO thickness, a wide ballast band, plus a larger toric optic zone. This design quickly orients the lens for better performance and simple fitting. Lens Parameters: Manufacturer: Cooper VisionMaterial: Comfilcon ATechnology: Aquaform®, & Optimised Toric Lens Geometry™Oxygen Transmission (Dk/t): 116 Dk/tWater Content (%): 48 2. Soflens Toric SofLens Toric For Astigmatism contact lens -- A lens fit for all astigmatic patients. Ideal for current soft toric lens wearers who require excellent visual acuity and comfort with the health and convenience of disposable lenses; astigmatic…

Benefits of Daily Disposable Lenses

Today's contact lenses, generally soft and disposable, have various schedules for wear and replacement. Let's say you have the usual 9-to-5 schedule: Your daily disposable contact lenses would be worn during the day and discarded at night, making way for a new pair in the morning. Others are replaced at other intervals, for example every month. There are many benefits to using daily disposable contact lenses. The most important of these is that they’re better for the health of your eyes. Plus, daily disposable contact lenses are super convenient, and the ease of use is a bonus! There's a lot of Pros to getting daily contact lenses: You never have to clean them - Forget about the nightly cleaning routine or your parade of solution bottles. At the end of…


Tokai Lens or Tokai Optical was found in 1939 from the city called Okazaki, Japan. They has been increasing their experience and technology capabilities in optical industry and continuously enable them to specialize in ophthalmic lenses manufacturing till today. Despite, the latest technologies of Tokai Lenses was incorporated with the head office factory which is located in Hanazono. Tokai lens was certified and obtain an approval from ISO 9001 and 14001 certification which is recognize as an ophthalmic lenses that obtained all the standard requirement to best function for human eyesight. These lenses are more customized to your personal use which prioritizing the natural view using the excellent designs for daily use. Regardless it is a single vision or progressive lenses, Tokai never fails to provide you the best clear,…

kacamata tom ford

Zeiss Safety Guidelines to keep yourself healthy and safe

In the current Covid-19 scenario, one of the most crucial things that everyone needs to consider is when you want to reopen your business by prioritizing your patient's and staff's safety from the Coronavirus. Everyone should pay attention to hygiene no matter where they are, even though some are still not aware of the consequences of the virus transmission. In today's topic, we are here to explain Zeiss safety guidelines to keep yourself healthy and safe when you start back your business. (more…)