• 71, SS21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
  • +60 17-3613 715

Tag: Moscot Original

Malaya Optical Journey in Bangkok

Malaya Optical Journey in Bangkok

Hey there, fellow eyewear enthusiasts! I have a juicy tale to tell you all about my (Malaya Optical) recent adventure in the bustling city of Bangkok, Thailand! It was an exciting and eye-opening trip, courtesy of our wonderful suppliers at Wedo Asia. They sponsored our flight and hotel accommodations at the luxurious Malverick Movenpick Bangkok Sukhumvit 15. The first day of our journey began with a bang when we were greeted at the airport with our very own company signage! We felt like Hollywood stars as we made our way to the annual company dinner at Ma Maison Nai Let. The theme was tropical glamour, and we were served delectable seafood and wine. It was a truly exclusive event as only a select few of the best optical shops from…

Best Place to get Amazing Eyewear in Malaysia

Best Place to get Amazing Eyewear in Malaysia

In our everyday busy life, we may encounter hundreds of optical outlets that may attract us to make a new pair of spectacles or even to simply to get our eyes tested. But many of us are still confused of knowing how to differentiate about the importance of choosing the right optical store and get your eyes tested with the best qualified optometrist. Don't you feel satisfied when you know you have chosen the right place to get your best eyewear and your eyes is perfectly tested by the nest optometrist in town. Wow! How AMAZING is this. So now, lets see where is the best place to get an amazing eyewear in Malaysia. Before getting know about the location, we have to do some research about this place that…

Moscot Malaysia
moscot spring collection


The latest MOSCOT collection is available in Malaya Optical Subang Jaya SS15. This collection highlights the unique style and fashion of New Yorkers. “6 new frames styles inspired by the spirit of connection, the strength of New York City and the resilience of those who call it the city home.” - MOSCOT https://youtu.be/xqbYAsKzVBM The models featured in this collection are:  YONTIF and YONTIF SUN  A chunky frame made to fit every occasion. This frame was cut from a block of acetate into a streamlined shape to allow the wearers to catch attention wherever they go. Available in Crystal (Trend alert!), Classic Havana, Tortoise/Crystal, Sage and Black/Crystal. Yontif Sun is available in 2 colours: Crystal and Tortoise Crystal. You can order it from Malaya Optical Subang SS15 to add in your…

Moscot Fall Series 2020

Moscot Fall Series 2020

On September 2020, Moscot come out with a new collection of Moscot Fall Series 2020 available in Malaya Optical Subang SS15. This series was designed by Zack Moscot, fifth Generation and Chief Design Officer in The Lower East Side, the new assortment highlights 6 new edge styles where exemplary plan meets present day legacy subtleties. (more…)

moscot sunglasses

Moscot Sunglasses Eyewear

Moscot was established in Manhattan and has been the go-to store for men looking for extraordinary eyewear for over a century. Having seen a development of eyewear, the brand actually supplies styles which are both work of art and design forward. All Moscot eyewear is handcrafted, utilizing the best materials and genuine equipment, just as pivots that are bolted through the sanctuary and casing fronts to guarantee the sturdiest development conceivable. (more…)

8 Model Moscot Yang Paling Terkenal

8 model Moscot yang paling terkenal ialah Lemtosh, Miltzen, Genug, Zolman, Arthur, Frankie, Jared dan Petie terdapat di Malaya Optical Subang Jaya. 8 model Moscot ini terbahagi kepada 2 categori iaitu Moscot Originals dan Moscot Spirit. Hyman Moscot mengasaskan jenama itu di Amerika. Dia tiba dari Eropah Timur melalui Pulau Ellis pada tahun 1899. Kemudian, Hyman mula menjual cermin mata “ready-made” dari kereta sorong. Dia juga menjualnya di Oxford street di Lower East Side yang terkenal di Manhattan.

Kacamata Hitam Moscot

Moscot ditubuhkan di Manhattan dan telah menjadi tempat utama untuk lelaki yang mencari kacamata hitam yang luar biasa selama lebih dari satu abad. Setelah melihat perkembangan cermin mata, jenama ini sebenarnya memberikan gaya yang merupakan karya seni dan reka bentuk ke depan. Semua kacamata Moscot dibuat dengan tangan, menggunakan bahan terbaik dan peralatan asli. Dengan memberikan gaya baru kepada gaya retro, Kacamata Hitam Moscot  secara konsisten menggunakan jenama, dengan kelebihan yang diluar jangkaan. Semua Kacamata Moscot mencerminkan warisan yang kaya, menggabungkan keaslian dengan citarasa halus di pusat bandar New York. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlWHTkEivG0&feature=youtu.be Kacamata hitam Moscot Lemtosh Dari Koleksi Moscot Originals (memandangkan gaya dari fail keluarga Moscot dari tahun 1930-an - 1980-an), kelebihan terkenal ini mempunyai ikutan berikut. Bingkai 'Lemtosh' dicipta dengan teknik Itali, menggunakan acetate untuk membentuk bingkai, dan sambungan kaki…

Optical shop selling Moscot

MOSCOT Collection

Malaya Optical Subang Jaya has brought in the Moscot collection. Hyman Moscot founded the brand in America. He arrived from Eastern Europe via Ellis Island in 1899. Later, Hyman began selling ready-made (more…)


The 100 Years MOSCOT Petaling Jaya

Nobody need to be introduce with the 100 Years MOSCOT. MOSCOT is a global lifestyle brand driven by the Company‚ nearly 100 years of eyewear expertise. (more…)