The most common eye disorder which can affect an individual eyes is Dry Eyes. Nowadays, dry eyes is being a common eye problem which can affect anyone due to inadequate and unstable tear flow or productions. Understanding tear layers and its mechanism is quite complex as tear structure is made up of various components. The interactions of tear layer which composed of lipid, protein, salts, mucin and water is quite essential to obtain its stability. The outermost lipid layer functions to prevent our tear from evaporating, the middle layer of aqueous supplies moisture to our eyes, and the innermost mucus layer is to allow our tear to stick on the front surface of cornea. When this layer has been interrupted, dry eyes may occurs. There are numerous causes and reason…
Best monthly lens for dry eye
In this article, we will talk about the best monthly lens for dry eye. Dry eyes can be an uncomfortable and even painful condition to deal with on a daily basis. They can be caused by a variety of factors in everyday living. (more…)
7 ways to treat dry eye
There are many medications and procedures available to treat dry eye, so here are the 7 ways to treat dry eye. Are your eyes reddish and itchy? Can’t bear the pain and burning sensation in your eyes? This could mean you have dry eye Disease, which blurs vision, is uncomfortable and unattractive, and also causes significant damage and scar the cornea. (more…)
Factors and Symptoms of Dry Eye
What is dry eye? In this article, we will explain the factors and symptoms of dry eye. Dry eye is a condition in which a person doesn't have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. (more…)
Artificial Tear Drop
From the beginning to the end of human life, many of us may face various eye health issues and one of the common issue is dry eye. Tear lubricant or artificial tear drop used to protect our eyes from getting dry. Basically it help us to maintain our eye to stay healthy, nourish and and keep our eye surface moisturized. (more…)
12 most common dry eye symptoms
Dry eye symptoms may not be appearing with only one symptoms but it may also sometimes been accompanied by few other symptoms. Without knowing all the important signs and symptoms of dry eyes, you may not able to get a proper treatment to get rid if it. Since dry eye was known as one of the usual condition that can occur to anyone, here are 12 most common dry eye symptoms that you should know. (more…)
10 reason why your eyes get dry easily
We always been feel safe about our eye health until and unless we get our eyes checked. Many of us may think we can see everything clearly and further eye screening may not required! BUT, most of them will be surprised once their eye health results were revealed as there were many hidden abnormalities found from the test. And yes, dry eye disease might be one of them. Here are the 10 most common reason why your eyes get dry easily. By determining the cause of dry eye we can able to provide a suitable and effective solution to treat dry eye problem. (more…)
Its All About Dry Eye
Almost everyone out there who went through a general eye screening may heard about dry eyes. Dry eye disease is one of the most frequently encountered ocular problems yet the best solution to prevent it or the effective treatments is still in discussion. In every ophthalmic clinic, there would be at least 25% of cases reported to have dry eye symptoms. And here now, its all about dry eye for you. (more…)
5 Best Treatments For Dry Eye
Understanding your eye condition is the most essential thing to do before getting your eyes treated. At Malaya Optical we as an professional eye care practitioners will always make sure to provide you the best and effective solutions. (more…)
Top 5 Dry Eye Assessments
At Malaya Optical, we as an optometrist have almost encounter dry eye patient everyday. With certain latest techniques and technologies we able to diagnose, assess and treat dry eye in more efficient way. Below are the few dry eye assessments that we usually apply at Malaya Optical. This process is made easy by taking a history of patients symptoms, signs and complaints related to dry eyes. By accumulating the potential causes and symptoms of dry eye, eye care practitioner could able to determine the suitable management and treatment for it. Those who are suffering from dry eyes, it is important for you to make an appointment and visit our optometrist. We will be running out few tests accurately according to your current eye conditions under dry eye assessments. Those who…