The percentage of the human population who has myopia also referred to as "Rabun Jauh" or Shortsightedness is increasing day by day. It is expected that the percentage will continue to increase. In the future, it is expected that half of the human population will have myopia. (more…)

Categories Myopia Control Posted on Author Ryan Ho Tags about myopia for kids, About Shortsightnedness, alarming rate, child myopia, child nearsightedness, children eye problem, Children Eye Screening, children myopia, children myopia control, children myopia glasses, Children optometrist petaling jaya, computer and eye, Digital devices, eye examination, eye health screening at malaya optical, eye problems, eye tiredness in front of computer, how to slow myopia, My child frequent increase in myopia, myopia, myopia control, myopia correction, myopia increase, nearsightedness, optometrist for children, optometrist near me, reduce myopia, short sightedness, shortsighted, smartphone