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Tag: eye protection

medical reasons for wearing sunglasses

Benefits of Sunglasses : Unexpected Benefits & Eye Protection

Think of creating a fashion statement think sunglasses. The moment you hear the word, your mind starts imagining a beach holiday, a day brunch with your friends, or  putting them on with the best outfits. So, sunglasses have come a long way from your friend that protects your eyes from the sun’s glare to a fashion accessory.However, the real challenge begins, when you are plagued by a basic question “How often should I wear sunglasses?” keeping the health of your eyes in focus, the most pertinent question for which you need an answer is whether you should wear sunglasses every day. It’s true that sunglasses today are viewed as a fashion accessory but you must not forget its basic function and that is to protect your eyes from the damage…

Eye protection from corona virus
Use spectacles during COVID-19

Eye Infection – Prevention during COVID-19

During the pandemic coronavirus outbreak, eye infection- prevention during COVID-19 is very important. Thus, it is best to give some attention to latest updates about the 'Do' and 'Don't health advice's from the experts. For those who uses glasses, you should be aware that using spectacles during COVID-19 may less prone to be infected, 'IF' you strictly follow certain recommendations based from the front-liners. Source : How to use disinfectants to clean eyeglasses in the pandemic of coronavirus, Halinah Tseng, March 14 That's because using spectacles may stop you from touching your eyes frequently compared to contact lenses. One of the most important steps that we should do is to wash our hands thoroughly to avoid harmful transmission of germs. In our routine basis activities, we might start touching things…