How do you clean your Bausch & Lomb Ultra contact lenses? It is important to learn and use good hygiene methods in the care and handling of your new lens. Cleanliness is the most essential aspect of proper contact lens care. Particularly, your hands should be clean and free from any foreign materials while you handle your lenses. The procedures of wear your Bausch & Lomb Ultra are; Thoroughly wash your hands with mild soap, and rinse thoroughly and dry it with a clean towel before you touch your lens.Avoid using soaps that contain cold creams, lotions or greasy cosmetics before handling your lens, as these ingredients may come into contact with the lens and interfere with successful wearing.Hold your hand with your fingertips, and be careful to avoid contact…
ZEISS Smartlife Lenses
Designing a high quality ophthalmic lenses according to the current updates are known as the best innovation for eye care. (more…)
Carl Zeiss Single Vision Lens
Carl Zeiss Malaysia offers a wide range of single vision (more…)
Zeiss DriveSafe
Carl Zeiss Drivesafe Carl Zeiss DriveSafe Driving could be a stressful and visual demanding task. We tend to have more issues during: (more…)
Bausch + Lomb
Bausch + Lomb offers the world’s widest and finest range of eye health (more…)