• 71, SS21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
  • +60 17-3613 715


Optometrist near me petaling Jaya

Contact lens come in a lot types ranging from different design, parameter, wearing modality, water content and etc. Proper understanding of the contact lenses selection will help to prevent eye infections. Of course, you will be required to find a licensed eye care practitioner such as optometrist to help you gone through which type of contact lens will suit you the best.

Soft contact lenses are the most popular type of contact lens worldwidely. Soft contact lenses can be used to correct various vision problems, including:

  • Nearsightedness (myopia)
  • Farsightedness (hyperopia)
  • Blurred vision (astigmatism)
  • Age-related loss of close-up vision (presbyopia)
  • <
    Soft contact lenses conform to the shape of your eye. They’re comfortable and tend to stay in place well, so they’re a good choice if you participate in sports or lead an active lifestyle.

    Soft contact lenses come in various types, such as:

    1) Contact Lens Design

    • Spherical contact lens – correct shortsighted/ longsighted.
    • Toric contact lens – correct astigmatism.
    • Multifocal contact lens – correct presbyopia.

    2) Contact Lens Parameter

    • water content
    • base curve
    • diameter

    3) Contact Lens Modality

    • Daily wear.
    • Extended wear.
    • Disposable.

    4) Contact Lens Material

    • Hydrogel lens
    • Silicone hydrogel lens

    Hard contact lenses

    Rigid, gas permeable lenses, or hard contact lenses, provide clear, crisp vision for most vision problems. Hard contact lenses might be especially appealing if you’ve tried soft contact lenses and been unsatisfied with the results.

    Hard contact lenses are often more breathable than are soft contact lenses, which reduces the risk of eye infections. Most hard contact lenses must be removed for cleaning and disinfection at night.

    It might take up to a week to adjust to hard contact lenses, and they’re more likely to slip off the center of your eye than are soft contact lenses — which might lead to discomfort and blurred vision.

    If your prescription doesn’t change and you take care of your hard contact lenses, you can use the same pair of lenses for up to two to three years.

    Some population with high shortsighted or astigmatism will be much more suitable to be fitted with gas permeable lenses as it will help me correct the eye sight problem much more better than soft contact lenses. In addition, gas permeable lens will have much more lesser infection risk as compared to soft contact lens due to it lens properties it self.

    In order to be fitted with gas permeable contact lens, you must always consult from proper eye care practitioner (optometrist) in order to get the optimum fit for your contact lens fitting.

    Always consult from licensed eye care practitioner such as optometrist to help to fit the suitable contact lens for you.