In the current Covid-19 scenario, one of the most crucial things that everyone needs to consider is when you want to reopen your business by prioritizing your patient’s and staff’s safety from the Coronavirus. Everyone should pay attention to hygiene no matter where they are, even though some are still not aware of the consequences of the virus transmission. In today’s topic, we are here to explain Zeiss safety guidelines to keep yourself healthy and safe when you start back your business.
Staying hygienic and following the recommended safety guidelines by the Ministry of Health are essential to ensure all of us are staying healthy. Here is some information on how to apply safety guidelines when we resume back our business so that patients and staff could feel safe by reducing the risk of getting infections in this Covid-19 crisis.

First of all, creating a piece of mind for your patients once they step into your premise is important. Psychologically, you can comfort your patients by practicing hygienic workflow such as disinfecting the outlet, checking patients body temperature, recommend using hand sanitizer, control their movements, disinfect the frames, clean the trial frames, clean the slit lamp before and after using it, and consider the distances between each work stations.

We have to assure that patients feel safe and comfortable while they are in the eye care practice. Before re-opening your practices, make sure to schedule a meeting to set a daily workflow with new guidelines and protocols which enhance more on cleaning and sanitizations. Patients are best recommended to book an appointment before drop by at your premises to control the crowd. Make sure everyone wears a mask and sanitize their hand before step in.

Reinforce the protocols with visible signs and posters to ease your patients understanding regarding the current situation. Allow some time to clean the premises before and after each patient left. Increase routine disinfection on frequently touched surfaces such as tables, doorknobs, chairs, frames, switch lights, eye care tools or instruments, and keyboards. Prepare your practice every day by disinfecting the hard surfaces in the morning, midday and evening and as well as if there is an encounter with that surfaces.
You can email your patients or explain to them if they have any doubts about your current operating system during this Covid-19 situation on what they can expect once there are in the shop.
What is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?
Cleaning usually done to impurify the surfaces using soap and water to remove the germs and dirt. Germs are killed by the disinfection process. By cleaning germs on a dirty surface, it can further lower the risk of infection spread with disinfection.
What is routine cleaning? How frequently we should do cleaning to reduce the potential spread of Coronavirus?
Routine cleaning is an everyday process to keep our surrounding environment healthy. Surfaces that always touched by multiple people in a day should be cleaned frequently.
Do not forget to book an appointment with us today. We as an eye care professionals, always feel grateful to assist you.