ZEISS Lenses. What does this mean? Well to start of with, lets talk about the first moon landing. The First Man on the Moon was Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed these two individuals on the moon.
Carl Zeiss or ZEISS is a German manufacturer of lenses for a variety of industries such as for optical systems, industrial measurements and medical devices.
Now, what does the first moon landing and ZEISS have in common? Well, did you know that ZEISS was right there for the moon landing? That is right, the lenses used on the cameras to capture the stunning images of the moon landing used by the astronauts were designed and made by ZEISS. Without ZEISS’s contribution, we might never have had the stunning images of the moon that we have now. They say possibilities and went beyond the norm to archive amazing potential.

The lenses that were created for the harshest conditions of the moon’s atmosphere and now, designed for everyday lives. Available for any individuals that desire high quality lenses.
What are you waiting for? Join the ZEISS Malaysia train and experience the innovation of ZEISS. Contact us here for any questions https://www.malayaoptical.com/contact-us/ or book an appointment with us here https://www.malayaoptical.com/#book-optometrist .