Performance Based Sponsorship – MO Retail Visit
Important Notice
- Please create a Whatsapp Group and add me +60139153555 , +60124646638 , +60126856491 and +60126120003 and make us admins of the WhatsApp Chat group
- Group Name University Malaya Chess Club
- Take a screenshot of our current follower count before you start.
– Propose a date. Best usually during the weekends and between 11am to 1 pm.
– The whole event should finish within 1 hour.
– Choose the outlet of your choice to visit
– Confirm the number of pax able to visit and participate.
-Remember to look your best and dress smart casual: no uniforms, no bags, no badges.
– Light refreshment would be provided.
– Most of all have fun 😉
– Sponsorship is based on the number of pax participating, the more pax the better the Sponsorship for Participants and Club.
Step 2
– Gather outside Malaya Optical until the instruction to come in as a group.
Step 3
– Search for Malaya Optical on Facebook , Instagram and Google+
– Check in into these three social medias first.
– Like, follow, comment and share on our 5 recent posts.
– Make your comments sound casual and like you are interested in it or someone else might be interested in it.
For example: @friendsname get this for me please !
@friendsname get this for @otherfriendsnames ,
@friendsname this is totally your style
Step 4
– Create an Instagram story, Live Video, Boomerang, and etc on Instagram
– All post should be videos only. NO pictures.
– Do not talk about retail visit or any link towards it.
– Talk like you are a customer.
– You can share about
For example: I can’t believe @celebrity’sname was here !
This is my favorite optical shop
The only optical shop I trust with my eyes
I love the vibe of the shop
Step 5
-#malayaoptical, #malayaopticaldamansarauptown, #malayaopticalsubangss15 #Malaysia
Step 6
– Enjoy and have fun. Have some light refreshments too. Our team will guide on the photo or video angles and shots too. Oh, don’t forget to let us review before you post it 🙂
Rewards For Club
Rewards For Participants
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ