Progressive lens or also known as multifocal lens is the lens Malaya optical has widely prescribed to customer who has encountered the difficulty ofreading starting aged 4o. A progressive lens corrects shortsightedness, farsightedness and presbyopia at the same time. It also gives the wearer clear vision at intermediate distance.
Rodenstock progressive lenses are all masterpiece. The Rodenstock progressive lens provides stepless, sharp vision possible for near, intermediate and far vision and without compromising the visual comfort for those who have age-related farsightedness.
Rodenstock believes that it is crucial to produce a progressive lens that have accurate adaptation to the lens wearer and able to fit his individual lifestyle. Rodenstock developed its own revolutionary EyeLT technology that helps wearer to use their vision potential to maximum. With the EyeLT technology, it helps open a new dimension of vision and helps the wearer see more and sharper up close.
3 types of multifocal / progressive lens offered by Rodenstock:
- Perfection ( Rodenstock Impression FreeSign 3 )
- Excellence ( Rodenstock Multigressiv MyView 2)
- Superior ( Rodenstock PureLife Free 2 )
Rodenstock Impression FreeSign 3
- For perfectionist
- The BEST Rodenstock progressive lens of all time
- Best vision right from the start
- No acclimatization time
- Maximum Image stability and minimum distortions
- Comfortable even when taking the stairs
- 100% natural vision no swimming effect
Rodenstock Multigressive MyView 2
- For the demanding
- Very thin, high tech lens
- Up to 40% better vision in near and intermediate range
- Good contrast vision
- Fast adaptation
- Minimal swimming effect even when climbing stairs
Rodenstock PureLife Free 2
- For the quality aware
- Optimum progressive lens for first time user
- Short acclimatization time
- Spontaneous compatibility due to enlarged visual zones
- Clear vision in both near and far
- Up to 40% better visual acuity than conventional progressive lens
- Good cost effectiveness
At Malaya Optical our qualified optometrist has been training and certified to prescribed and dispense Rodenstock lenses in Malaysia. We are Rodenstock preferred flagship store and we carry the entire portfolio of Rodenstock distributor in Malaysia. Drop by Malaya Optical to find out more.